Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Reflection 2012

Thanksgiving Reflection 2012

Alright, let’s face facts. We, looks like the minority, are not happy with the recent elections, at least some of us. More than that, we have a gut feeling things will now get even worse. There are many concerns that we can to little about: violence in the streets, job security, the falling economy and the rising debt, secularization of society, cafeteria and non-practicing Catholics, social engineering, rampant pornography, neck deep in taxes, decline of morals and values, lost kids. I could go on. Have I set the mood?

Thanksgiving is a national holiday, not a religious one. Oh really? It might not be on the church calendar, and other than turkey’s, pilgrims, atheists, and the self-absorbed, many of us, most of us, spend some time in thanking God for everything we have; many tell of their blessings over dinner, some get down on their knees, some go to church. It might be a good idea to make a list–kind of a reverse examination of conscious, recount you blessings, not sins. So yes, I would conclude this is a religious holiday.

Do you have indoor plumbing, HDTV, cable/satellite TV, central air/heating, a cell phone, a car, personal computer, and home? Who will be sitting around the Thanksgiving table– family, friends? O.K., I concede, some of us will be alone, but that can be a personal choice as well. Health? Yes, as we get older that becomes an issue. Many times it is a blessing. It tells us something is wrong that needs attention. Perhaps there is a new baby or grandchild. Perhaps someone did you a kindness, gave or loaned money at a critical time.

What I am getting at is the concept of more and less. I learned a long time ago there will be someone who has more and someone who has less. Some are richer, some are poorer. Some have more health, some less. The sun shines on everyone and it rains on everyone.

Did you make that list? Have you thanked God for all those things?

Gratitude. I saw a picture yesterday of an old woman embracing and kissing a World War II solder sitting in a Jeep when Rome was freed. I can’t think of a better visualization of gratitude. We can’t hug God but we can visit Him in church or before the Blessed Sacrament, we can simply talk to Him.

Right around the corner is another holiday, one that is more or less forgotten. Nativity scenes are banned, Christmas greetings are frowned upon by many business and they will also be open that day. You can’t find religious Christmas card in the store–sorry, I meant holiday cards. Amidst the shopping, wrapping, and decorating, how many remember the reason for the season?

Now that is something to be thankful for! Because, through Jesus’ nativity, abandonment, humiliation, torture, death and resurrection, we have been given salvation. All we need to do is lead a good life, avoid sin. Love God and your neighbor. Wow!

So, those people around the Thanksgiving Day table–be sure to give them a huge hug and take a moment to thank God for sending His Son to us. Let’s display some gratitude!

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