Saturday, May 3, 2008


I ran across this short note on Relevant Radio's page for their Morning Air program. One of their contributors is Dave Durand. Here is what I found:

The value and make up of personal happiness

Happiness is made up of

Freedom. Freedom is paradoxically gained from limits
Freedom’s value is only real if your freedom draws you closer to goodness and ultimately to God

Growth. Growth is part of happiness because it is liberating. It is liberating because growth gives up hope. We are all aware that we must change at some level in life. If we stop growing we lose hope that things can get better.
Growth’s value can be measured by the rate in which we grow as it relates to what we have work with

Commitment. Commitment is necessary for happiness because you cannot truly love without commitment.
Commitment’s value is only related to the object of the commitment

Giving and receiving. To give without accepting = sadness and visa versa
Giving and Receiving value is determined by how you receive and the spirit in which you give

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