Saturday, October 18, 2008

La La Homilies

One of my pet peeves are what I call la la homilies. What I usually hear are quite bland, no spice.
In today's world, quite sadly for many, the Sunday homily is the only exposure Catholics get of the erudition on the Readings. This is the only on-going formation most Catholics are exposed to. And I think for far too many they are hearing poorly prepared sermons.
I try always to intently listen to the homily. It is part of my participation in the Mass. But far too often I am left wanting.
I'm sure preparing a good homily is hard work. But I think it is very important work. But you can tell, sitting in the pews, if there was work put into it or not. We realize if we are hearing fluff or the real thing.
Don't get me wrong. I do hear a good homily now and then. At times by Deacons. When I do, I will always make a point to say so to the Celebrant on the way out.
Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps it is only occuring in my parish, my diocese. Once on vacation to a rural area, I've forgotten what State, I heard a really great homily. The Celebrant actually said the word "evil" and refered to the Devil.
On another occasion I was at a Lutheran Church for Sunday sevice. I believe I was with a Lutheran friend for some reason or another and the sermon was very well done and I told the Minister so on the way out. He commented that Catholics had great liturigies, but they (Lutherand) had great sermons. Why is that?
Which leads me back to a post I read by James H in the Opinionated Catholic Blog which can be found here. It refered to the Synod on the Word currently being held, and an article by Sandro Magister for www.chiesa, which can be found here. It goes on to include an address Pope Benedict made at the Synod which is a very good read relating to the importance of good homilies. I highly recommed everyone to read it.

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