Saturday, April 4, 2009

Where We are Now...A Sorry State

Browsing the various Catholic Blogs, I find a post by the Deacon's Bench reporting on an article by U.S. News and World Report commenting on a Gallup Poll on Catholic views on moral issues, concluding Catholics are as liberal or more liberal than non-Catholics. See the article here.

Now I'm not a reader of U.S. News. I gave up on them decades ago. I don't generally believe polls unless I know they are coming from a source without an agenda - difficult to find.

But the results here are startling. It shows that there are many Catholics who are Catholic in name only. I blame this in part on poor formation, poor on-going formation, the liberal U.S. Catholic Church, bishops and priests in general. We just don't hear true moral teachings from the Pulpit. We hear la-la feel good homilies.

These easily persuaded people in a liberal culture are weak. As Catholics we are called to be counter-cultural. We need to stand on rock and be true to our faith.

We have a tendancy to be silent, to not cause waves. But being so is so wrong. We need to be vocal and we need to act and stand up to our beliefs. We don't correct our brothers and sisters when they are wrong.

For example, abortion has been legal for over thirty years. There is a strong likelihood that we know someone who has had an abortion. If we care about them there is a tendancy to support them. To find an excuse. If we can't condemn them , we can't condemn abortion. That is exactly were we are wrong. We must hate the sin and love the sinner.

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