Saturday, March 29, 2008

Into Great Silence

In an earlier post I mentioned my Good Friday entrance into silence. Not part of my usual routine. Yesterday I was able to watch this rewarding video "Into Great Silence". I was greatly impressed by these holy men and it touched me.

Netflix says this about the movie in its "At a Glance":

A prize winner at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival, director Philip Groening's study of the Grande Chartreuse monastery introduces a world of austere beauty, following the daily activities of the resident monks, whose silence is broken only by prayer and song. With no other sound save the natural rhythms of age-old routines being carried out, the film captures the simplicity -- and profundity -- of lives lived with absolute purpose and presence.

First of all, I would highly recommend watching/experiencing this video. I surely wouldn't be able to live this life - you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But it taught me, along with my Good Friday experience, that I need to bring occasional silence into my life.

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